Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Work Update!

It's been quite a while since I've updated on new work. While my website can't show it, I've been very busy with graphic design in the past 6 months, but its for projects which must remain under wraps.

Overall I think 2009 was a great year for me, as I've started to really develop with my technique. My goals for 2010 include more painting and fine art to supplement the many hours I spend in front of a computer. To that end, I've invested in a new computer that's really helping the art along by allowing me to work larger and faster!

The website has just been updated to include work done in the past few months, including 2 one-page comics (one very abstract).


- Chris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like both of these pieces a lot. The top one, is maze like to me. The details are interesting and cause me to look at it for a long time... causes thought as my eyes take in each section. The bottom one, I like because it has a lot of movement to it. The amoebic shaped "people" inside help with that feeling of motion. Very Nice!