Monday, April 26, 2010

A poem and blog changes

then, a spot of green I labelled Leaf
the vibrations became a Song
I called you by a Name
with words of finite meaning
the I thought upon my Mind
trying to see Itself apart
Lamenting the true moment Lost

Wrote this while walking through the rain today, and it's fitting as I just finished reading a very interesting book by Alan Watts, "The Wisdom of Insecurity". Any short version regarding Alan Watts would do him a disservice - so you can read about him here: Wikipedia

I've been starting to feel very isolated lately, and mainly because I feel like I hold back my true nature. I am inquisitive by nature, but there's a lot of truth to the fact that reading a book is one thing, understanding and living it is something all together different. I guess I've been too concerned with perception - but in reality the end result was frustration in not feeling like I was "walking the walk". All the life-altering philosophy and perceptions I've made in my life, and for what? If I don't give of myself and my nature to others, what's the point? The end result of such a path can only be division, isolation, bitterness, and moving away from the truths I seek and hold so dear.

With that said, this blog is now much more than an avenue for sharing art updates - it's a path for me to provide a glimpse into my aspect of the universe...feel free to follow along.