Open Gaming Zone |
I played a total of 54 games over the course of the con - honestly far fewer than I expected going in, and I'm thankful for that. The time spent relaxing and going out for meals with good friends was more rewarding than all the games.
Here's a recap of the games:
> Games I learned & played at the convention for the first time - and my rating out of 10 (for what it's worth):
Hawaii (3 plays) - 8/10
Ghost Pirates - 7.5/10
Le Havre (2 plays) - 10/10
Robo Rally - 8/10
Galaxy Trucker - 9/10
Yomi (2 plays) - 3/10
Core Worlds - 7/10
Decktet (6 plays) - 9.5/10
Black Friday - 6.5/10
Manifest Destiny - 8/10
Amun-Re - 7/10
Onirim (4 plays) - 8/10
My first game of Galaxy Trucker by Vllada Chavatil |
Age of Renaissance
Race for the Galaxy (14 plays - placed 5th in tournament)
Through The Ages (3 plays)
Thurn and Taxis
Alhambra (2 plays)
7 Wonders (2 plays)
Masquerade Games Prototype
Eminent Domain (2 plays)
> Games I was able to procure at the convention:
Race for the Galaxy - Expansions #2 & 3
Galaxy Trucker
Puerto Rico
Le Havre
Wealth of Nations
Felix: The Cat in the Sack
Infernal Contraption
My final tableau form my prelim round win in Race for the Galaxy (base game only) |
In the final, I pulled a 3 to 1 series lead going into the pivotal game 5 against the "Swans" - when Sean (a 10 year old kid) pulled a rabbit out of his hat. With about 40 people watching - he won 2 straight in overtime to bring the series to a pivotal 7th game...which I lost on the last play of the game by a single card value.
I am not doing the game justice - but it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I'd had in the long time. It was a lot more than the tension of the game itself, which played out amazingly - it was the festive atmosphere of over 100 hockey fanatics celebrating a decades-old game in the spirit it was intended. To witness the joy of a young kid pulling off a win like that was something special - and I am so happy to be a part of it. A little scene from the start of the tournament:
That goes for most of the con - it's hyper-competitive at times, but at its heart it's a community of people that love games. Think of it as a gaming-themed family reunion every year. I got to play old favorites, and learn some of the classics of our hobby - from people who are truly passionate about them. I got to know friends a lot better, and make a slew of new ones - all while giving my brain a solid workout.
As a game designer my brain is now absolutely buzzing with ideas - which always happens when exposed to new games and different ways of playing them. I got a better respect for how serious game players approach a new design, and pick it apart with ruthless precision.
The only downside to the con is the venue is showing significant signs of wear..and bearing witness to a A/C failure during a gaming con in the middle of summer is not something I wish to repeat....ever. I wish the hotel cracked down more on the teenagers hanging out in the middle of busy hallways, and making a mess of the place - but all in all the hotel was welcoming to the gaming hordes.
I hope to be back next year - and this time I'm going to win some hardware!
Only picture of me (on my camera at least) from the con - playing Hawaii |