Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 World Boardgaming Championships - Report

I spent the past week attending my first World Board Gaming Championships - a wonderful con in the heart of Amish Country: Lancaster, PA.  I can't think of many better ways to spend a vacation than playing great games with great friends!

Open Gaming Zone

I played a total of 54 games over the course of the con - honestly far fewer than I expected going in, and I'm thankful for that. The time spent relaxing and going out for meals with good friends was more rewarding than all the games.

Here's a recap of the games:

> Games I learned & played at the convention for the first time - and my rating out of 10 (for what it's worth):
Hawaii (3 plays) - 8/10
Ghost Pirates - 7.5/10
Le Havre (2 plays) - 10/10
Robo Rally - 8/10
Galaxy Trucker - 9/10
Yomi (2 plays) - 3/10
Core Worlds - 7/10
Decktet (6 plays) - 9.5/10
Black Friday - 6.5/10
Manifest Destiny - 8/10
Amun-Re - 7/10
Onirim (4 plays) - 8/10

My first game of Galaxy Trucker by Vllada Chavatil
> Games I already knew but played at the con:
Age of Renaissance
Race for the Galaxy (14 plays - placed 5th in tournament)
Through The Ages (3 plays)
Thurn and Taxis
Alhambra (2 plays)
7 Wonders (2 plays)
Masquerade Games Prototype
Eminent Domain (2 plays)

> Games I was able to procure at the convention:
Race for the Galaxy - Expansions #2 & 3
Galaxy Trucker
Puerto Rico
Le Havre
Wealth of Nations
Felix: The Cat in the Sack
Infernal Contraption

My final tableau form my prelim round win in Race for the Galaxy (base game only)
One of the most memorable moments of the con came in the closing Slapshot competition - a truly raucous affair that left everyone with huge smiles. I placed first in my table's league - and was the #1 seed going into the 4 person playoffs. My "Blues" cruised through my semi-final round versus the "Frogs" - but it came at a price with a key injury to one of my forwards.

In the final, I pulled a 3 to 1 series lead going into the pivotal game 5 against the "Swans" - when Sean (a 10 year old kid) pulled a rabbit out of his hat. With about 40 people watching - he won 2 straight in overtime to bring the series to a pivotal 7th game...which I lost on the last play of the game by a single card value.

I am not doing the game justice - but it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I'd had in the long time. It was a lot more than the tension of the game itself, which played out amazingly - it was the festive atmosphere of over 100 hockey fanatics celebrating a decades-old game in the spirit it was intended. To witness the joy of a young kid pulling off a win like that was something special - and I am so happy to be a part of it. A little scene from the start of the tournament:

That goes for most of the con - it's hyper-competitive at times, but at its heart it's a community of people that love games. Think of it as a gaming-themed family reunion every year. I got to play old favorites, and learn some of the classics of our hobby - from people who are truly passionate about them. I got to know friends a lot better, and make a slew of new ones - all while giving my brain a solid workout.

As a game designer my brain is now absolutely buzzing with ideas - which always happens when exposed to new games and different ways of playing them. I got a better respect for how serious game players approach a new design, and pick it apart with ruthless precision.

The only downside to the con is the venue is showing significant signs of wear..and bearing witness to a A/C failure during a gaming con in the middle of summer is not something I wish to repeat....ever. I wish the hotel cracked down more on the teenagers hanging out in the middle of busy hallways, and making a mess of the place - but all in all the hotel was welcoming to the gaming hordes.

I hope to be back next year - and this time I'm going to win some hardware!

Only picture of me (on my camera at least) from the con - playing Hawaii